Section 1: Latest Updates | |||
Lecture 1 |
Introduction to this section
Preview | 01:20 | |
Lecture 2 |
How to download all the resources
| 01:42 | |
Lecture 3 |
Photoshop version comparison & course requirements
Preview | 02:30 | |
Lecture 4 |
Course pace and content speed
Preview | 03:30 | |
Lecture 5 |
How to watch in high definition
| 01:05 | |
Lecture 6 |
How to download the video files
| 00:58 | |
Lecture 7 |
Bonus section explained
| 01:57 | |
Lecture 8 |
The difference between my courses
Preview | 07:54 | |
Lecture 9 |
Best excuses
| 05:05 | |
Section 2: Introduction | |||
Lecture 10 |
Promo Video
Preview | 01:42 | |
Lecture 11 |
| 00:45 | |
Section 3: Photoshop Overview | |||
Lecture 12 |
An Overview of Photoshop and the workspace
Preview | 03:32 | |
Lecture 13 |
Set up Photoshop for best performance
| 01:11 | |
Lecture 14 |
Getting around Photoshop
| 02:59 | |
Section 4: Getting to know the tools | |||
Lecture 15 |
Layers, Folders and the Layers Panel
| 03:43 | |
Lecture 16 |
Move Tool and Moving Layers
Preview | 02:56 | |
Lecture 17 |
Selection Tools
| 07:05 | |
Lecture 18 |
Crop, Eyedropper and Ruler Tool
| 01:34 | |
Lecture 19 |
Brush and Color Replacement tool
| 01:30 | |
Lecture 20 |
Eraser Tool
| 01:09 | |
Lecture 21 |
Gradient and Paint Bucket Tool
| 02:01 | |
Lecture 22 |
Dodge, Burn, Sponge and Pen Tool
| 01:34 | |
Lecture 23 |
Type Tool
| 02:05 | |
Lecture 24 |
Direct Selection Tool
| 00:49 | |
Lecture 25 |
| 02:26 | |
Lecture 26 |
Undo and the History Panel
| 00:36 | |
Lecture 27 |
Vectors vs Pixels and Smart Objects
| 02:00 | |
Lecture 28 |
Blending Modes
| 00:45 | |
Lecture 29 |
Layer Styles
| 01:00 | |
Section 5: Photoshop for Web Design | |||
Lecture 30 |
Getting the 960 grid
| 01:03 | |
Lecture 31 |
| 02:38 | |
Lecture 32 |
Best Practices
| 01:52 | |
Lecture 33 |
Understanding the Alignment Tools
Preview | 02:54 | |
Lecture 34 |
Alignment Exercise
| 00:30 | |
Lecture 35 |
Solving the Layers Folders Exercise
| 02:17 | |
Lecture 36 |
Creating a Main Menu
| 10:17 | |
Lecture 37 |
Creating A Search Box
| 04:03 | |
Lecture 38 |
Black and White Photos
| 00:45 | |
Lecture 39 |
Pimp Your Backgrounds
| 02:45 | |
Lecture 40 |
Clipping Mask
Preview | 02:39 | |
Lecture 41 |
Create a Call to Action Button with a Reflection and Shadow
| 08:13 | |
Lecture 42 |
Paper Sheet Effect
| 02:42 | |
Lecture 43 |
Create a Slider with a Shadow
| 05:08 | |
Lecture 44 |
Adjust a Stock Photo Quickly to fit your Slider
| 00:44 | |
Lecture 45 |
Better Pictures
| 00:52 | |
Lecture 46 |
Highlighting the Logo
| 01:01 | |
Lecture 47 |
Using the Marquee Tool
| 02:48 | |
Lecture 48 |
Saving Your Progress
| 02:36 | |
Lecture 49 |
How to Adjust Your Canvas Size
| 00:47 | |
Lecture 50 |
Define a Pattern from an Image
| 00:54 | |
Lecture 51 |
Layer Styles
| 01:12 | |
Section 6: Your First Website Design | |||
Lecture 52 |
| 11:57 | |
Lecture 53 |
Hero Area
| 05:28 | |
Lecture 54 |
Recent Projects
| 04:05 | |
Lecture 55 |
| 08:48 | |
Lecture 56 |
| 06:40 | |
Section 7: How to be a Great Freelancer | |||
Lecture 57 |
| 01:27 | |
Lecture 58 |
Main Crowdsourcing Platforms
| 01:06 | |
Lecture 59 |
Guaranteed vs Non Guaranteed
| 00:36 | |
Lecture 60 |
What's the Process?
| 01:55 | |
Lecture 61 |
| 00:17 | |
Lecture 62 |
Selecting the Best Projects
| 05:01 | |
Lecture 63 |
Speed, Mindset, Inspiration, Work
| 08:46 | |
Lecture 64 |
| 05:25 | |
Lecture 65 |
Monetizing Your Designs
| 04:35 | |
Section 8: Crowdsourcing Project 1: Website to help creative students get their work reviewed by industry professionals | |||
Lecture 66 |
Presenting the project
| 06:48 | |
Lecture 67 |
Setting the Layout
| 05:11 | |
Lecture 68 |
Main Menu and General Style
| 11:12 | |
Lecture 69 |
Creating the Central Area
| 13:23 | |
Lecture 70 |
Finishing the Design
| 12:00 | |
Lecture 71 |
Submit the design
| 03:43 | |
Lecture 72 |
| 02:11 | |
Lecture 73 |
Bonus: Avoid These Types of Projects
| 02:08 | |
Section 9: Crowdsourcing Project 2: Landing Page for glass television company | |||
Lecture 74 |
Presenting the Project
Preview | 03:02 | |
Lecture 75 |
Setting the Layout
| 10:41 | |
Lecture 76 |
Header Area
| 07:50 | |
Lecture 77 |
Creating the Glass Image
| 13:40 | |
Lecture 78 |
Creating the Slider
| 11:52 | |
Lecture 79 |
Creating the Product Area
| 08:42 | |
Lecture 80 |
Image Gallery
| 09:37 | |
Lecture 81 |
Testimonial Area
| 05:30 | |
Lecture 82 |
FAQ and Partners
| 07:45 | |
Lecture 83 |
Trouble Submitting
| 06:31 | |
Lecture 84 |
Feedback and Revisions
| 09:46 | |
Lecture 85 |
Changing the Background
| 02:42 | |
Lecture 86 |
Poor Feedback
| 03:31 | |
Lecture 87 |
| 03:36 | |
Lecture 88 |
The Winner
| 02:26 | |
Section 10: Crowdsourcing Project 3: Website for ebook protection service | |||
Lecture 89 |
Presenting the Contest
Preview | 02:32 | |
Lecture 90 |
Setting the Layout
| 07:08 | |
Lecture 91 |
Adding the Content
| 05:15 | |
Lecture 92 |
Main Menu and General Style
| 06:40 | |
Lecture 93 |
Hero Area
| 13:22 | |
Lecture 94 |
Central Area
| 08:27 | |
Lecture 95 |
Product Area
| 05:54 | |
Lecture 96 |
Testimonials Area
| 07:17 | |
Lecture 97 |
Newsletter Area
| 06:01 | |
Lecture 98 |
Submitting the Design
| 01:37 | |
Lecture 99 |
| 01:24 | |
Lecture 100 |
| 03:44 | |
Lecture 101 |
Submitting the New Design
| 00:26 | |
Lecture 102 |
Feedback and a Quick Revision
| 02:21 | |
Lecture 103 |
Our Position and Multiple Options
| 08:18 | |
Lecture 104 |
Fine Adjustments
| 02:40 | |
Lecture 105 |
Slight Revision
| 01:44 | |
Lecture 106 |
Little Things
| 02:32 | |
Lecture 107 |
More Little Things
| 05:56 | |
Lecture 108 |
Another Revision
| 02:59 | |
Lecture 109 |
Fixing an Error
| 02:00 | |
Lecture 110 |
The Finals
| 01:31 | |
Lecture 111 |
Finishing It
| 08:05 | |
Lecture 112 |
Conclusions and Other Pages
| 05:53 | |
Lecture 113 |
Bonus: Avoid These Types of Projects
| 01:59 | |
Section 11: Crowdsourcing Project 4: 3 page template for online safety training company | |||
Lecture 114 |
Presenting the Project
Preview | 02:04 | |
Lecture 115 |
The Competition
| 08:46 | |
Lecture 116 |
Setting the Layout
| 03:35 | |
Lecture 117 |
Central Area
| 08:28 | |
Lecture 118 |
Hero Area
| 09:28 | |
Lecture 119 |
Testimonials and Product Area
| 07:16 | |
Lecture 120 |
Finishing It and Uploading
| 03:02 | |
Lecture 121 |
| 14:02 | |
Lecture 122 |
Finishing the Variation
| 07:36 | |
Lecture 123 |
Submitting the New Design
| 00:27 | |
Lecture 124 |
| 01:40 | |
Lecture 125 |
New Design
| 11:39 | |
Lecture 126 |
| 01:33 | |
Lecture 127 |
| 03:35 | |
Lecture 128 |
Interior Page
| 06:27 | |
Lecture 129 |
Product Page
| 07:57 | |
Lecture 130 |
| 00:49 | |
Lecture 131 |
Image Update
| 01:26 | |
Lecture 132 |
Preparing Everything
| 06:57 | |
Lecture 133 |
Upload Final
Preview | 01:02 | |
Section 12: Bonus: Website for german magazine subscription service | |||
Lecture 134 |
Presenting the Project
| 04:38 | |
Lecture 135 |
Setting the Layout
| 02:59 | |
Lecture 136 |
Main Menu and General Style
| 10:52 | |
Lecture 137 |
Hero Area
| 07:40 | |
Lecture 138 |
Product Area and Adjusting the Design
| 16:50 | |
Lecture 139 |
The Grind
| 06:18 | |
Lecture 140 |
The Sidebar
| 17:40 | |
Lecture 141 |
Submitting the Design
| 03:29 | |
Lecture 142 |
We Have Feedback
| 02:44 | |
Lecture 143 |
Making it Wider
| 14:30 | |
Lecture 144 |
Improving the Slider and Making a Product Preview
| 15:56 | |
Lecture 145 |
Improving the Design and Sending it
| 18:28 | |
Lecture 146 |
Interior Page - Header and Item Design
| 19:30 | |
Lecture 147 |
Interior Page - Finishing the Items
| 09:51 | |
Lecture 148 |
Interior Page - Newsletter Area
| 14:45 | |
Lecture 149 |
Interior Page - Related Products and Chart Inspiration
| 10:41 | |
Lecture 150 |
Interior Page - Creating the Chart
| 17:09 | |
Lecture 151 |
Interior Page - Finishing the Charts and Creating Categories
| 13:13 | |
Lecture 152 |
Sending the Design
| 02:03 | |
Lecture 153 |
Second Concept for the Interior Page
| 18:40 | |
Lecture 154 |
Finishing the Second Concept
| 14:30 | |
Lecture 155 |
Adjustments and Refinements
| 08:37 | |
Lecture 156 |
Additional Feedback
| 01:08 | |
Lecture 157 |
Updating the Header for the Interior Page
| 15:24 | |
Lecture 158 |
The Blog - Creating the Post Design
| 17:23 | |
Lecture 159 |
The Blog - Continuation
| 11:21 | |
Lecture 160 |
Finishing the Blog
| 19:36 | |
Lecture 161 |
Sending the Blog .jpeg
| 00:08 | |
Lecture 162 |
We Got Feedback
| 01:24 | |
Lecture 163 |
After the Holidays
| 03:50 | |
Lecture 164 |
Vague Email from the Client
| 02:25 | |
Lecture 165 |
Submitting the Designs - 40 hours left
| 13:22 | |
Lecture 166 |
We Got Star Ratings - 35 hours left
| 01:27 | |
Lecture 167 |
Project Conclusion
| 05:47 | |
Lecture 168 |
| 03:48 | |
Lecture 169 |
Updating the Homepage - Footer and Price Tag
| 19:21 | |
Lecture 170 |
Updating the Blog
| 07:45 | |
Lecture 171 |
Updating the Interior Page
| 15:01 | |
Lecture 172 |
Sending the .jpegs
| 00:28 | |
Lecture 173 |
Preparing Everything
| 22:39 | |
Lecture 174 |
| 03:01 | |
Lecture 175 |
Color Variation 1
| 09:59 | |
Lecture 176 |
Color Variation 2
| 11:46 | |
Lecture 177 |
Wrapping Everything Up
| 01:14 | |
Section 13: Resources Download | |||
Lecture 178 |
50+ Premium PSDs and more
| Text |
Instructor Biography
Download :